Preliminary Tasks

    Preliminary Task by Nimo and Mayleen


Preliminary Task Evaluation 

By Mayleen Moralita


By Nimo Hussein

Preliminary Task by Noreen


Who my group consisted of: Noreen (me), Sahar, Danika and Michelle

At first, our group sat and decided on which of our scripts we were going to use for the preliminary task, we chose mine (can be found on blog), and we also chose our roles. Me and Sahar were working  the camera and editing, and Danika and Michelle were the actresses. We knew our prelim task couldn't have too much dialogue and needed to have two or more locations. We found places were no one else was filming and then we started to film. When we had finished filming we went back to edit and realised that we hadn't completely stuck to the 180 degree rule, and the clips that we filmed didn't give us much opportunity to cut and still make it look like an on-going sequence. Therefore we went back to film in the time we had left and also changed on of the the locations as it didn't look right in the footage. This time we made sure there were enough places for us to edit the sequence properly. I think for our first time filming and editing our own sequence it was quite successful and taught us what we need to focus on to make our openings successful too. It also taught me that test shooting could really be useful to know what works and what doesn't. I really enjoyed the editing out of everything we did and felt as if i got the hang of it quickly. Since we had problems with filming enough scenes to cut on, I think it helped to visualise scenes for the vampire opening sequence, how to film them, how many times to film them, and how to go about it if something like this happened again.

Preliminary Task By Louise King

Preliminary Task Evaluation

The point of this preliminary task was to practice using the 180 degree rule and match on action editing. The 180 degree rule is  a filming guideline that participants in a scene should have the same left-right relationship to each other. Match on action editing is an editing technique for continuity editing in which one shot cuts to another shot portraying the action of the subject in the first shot. My group consisted of: Myself, Andi-Mae, Jade and Nachelle. I created the script we used, it mainly consists of dialogue and not a lot of action. Jade and Nachelle were in charge of filming while myself and Andi were the actors. When looking back at the final edit i have noticed that the 180 degree rule was broken, this can be seen when Andi stands up. When it came to editing Jade and Nachelle took control as i didnt know how to use final cut pro and i was new to the class. The final sequence shows areas where the editing was not executed well. There are parts where dialogue jumps and some cuts are really noticeable. There is also a mistake when Andi goes to sit down there is a white chair but when she sits there is a black chair. We could have re filmed our mistakes but our group messed around a lot, so we ran out of time.

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